A Travel Site - Without Travel
Happy Sunday afternoon/evening/morning, Wanderers. Taking the time to write a short update on the status of the site. The good news (great news, really) is that we're starting to be found by people searching online. Which is amazing! And for the Subscribers, you've been here since the beginning really, so we're absolutely grateful for that. Truly.
This post isn't really about the recent news, though it IS because of it. Right now, it's best for everyone to keep a level head, stay calm in their lives, and cut out any non-essential movement. That's it really. Work from home IF you can. Don't go out for frivolous reasons, even if you're stir crazy. Exercise caution and social distancing when you DO have to go out (like for food, we all need food). It will be a limited time, we'll all make it. Need to think long term. You should not expect food and water shortages here in the US. We have plenty, and there is zero reason to think the municipal water systems will be affected a la Walking Dead. The Gov can provide that. It's just about paying attention to any symptoms, and mostly staying home so as to keep yourself and others as safe as possible.
For the site, since I cannot (and will not) travel, I've had to unfortunately cancel my April Vietnam trip - which is obviously a huge bummer. But, cooler and smarter heads prevailed and that beautiful country will still be waiting for us when things calm down. I know I'll have tons of content from that. The good news is, we've moved it to December vs. completely canceling. So I'll have first hand pho news later in the year. Also, there WILL be Vespas. (2021 Update - Canceled.)
But I've still got some great product stuff coming, and now I'm just going to be working on it more. I do have one more weekend city review coming (Mystic, CT). And, I'm going to double down on the travel gear reviews I've been holding off on in place of the trip reviews. Some tools, some bags, etc. Here's what I'm working on:
Mystery Ranch packable day pack
Patagonia Black Hole MLC backpack
100 Senses Body Bar w Matador travel soap pack
Western Rise Limitless Merino button down travel shirt (testing now)
Western Rise Diversion travel pants (testing soon)
What's In My Travel Toiletries Kit? (That people would actually want to know about, Hah)
My Favorite Travel Essentials
So luckily, there's plenty of great stuff coming. And hopefully, there will be some chances for you to check them out when you have down time from your busy day to day. That's the best time to dream about wandering, I think.
If you haven't already, don't forget to check out some of the recent articles like the Charleston, SC Review, or the Green Travel Products article. For the more social conscious and interested folks, my blog posts on Barcelona Over-tourism and an eye/heart opening visit to Hiroshima, JP might be good reads.
Stay smart and stay safe, everyone.
Near Split, Croatia